In the beginning....

Well this just might be the most madcap idea for a quilt swap ever.  Like, I mean, e.v.e.r!

Just a few short weeks ago I was celebrating a quilt finish and, as you do, I posted a few pictures on my personal Instagram account.   

The Shouty Quilt, Juy 2017

The quilt is made from fabrics selected from a number of different Anna Maria Horner and Tula Pink fabric collections and lots of HSTs in various sizes.  Its a large quilt at 90 x 99 inches, and while a HST is a HST, this particular layout is my own design.  I've named this big girl The Shouty Quilt, as she's not exactly low volume.

I run an online shop ( more about that another day), but I purchased all of the fabrics for this quilt from fellow Aussie quilt shop owner Kate of Kate Quilts.   Kate asked me if she could repost the picture and it was on her Insta feed that I started having  a a bit of banter with Tamara.

The Shouty Quilt will be given to a dear friend of mine for her 50th birthday late this year. 

When Tamara got wind of the fact that Shouty was being given away she put her hand up and began to claim best friend status in the hope that I would make her a quilt. "Of course" I told her I would make her a quilt -  and I'd start stitching after she had been my besty for 30 years.😜

Our discussion about my electic combination of fabrics continued back and forward on Kate Quilt's feed and via direct messages when Tamara suggested a swap.

Now Tamara and I don't know one another at all. Well, not outside of social media and me helping her out with a bit of stash enhancement that is. As you can imagine, it just seemed like one of those interesting, yet go-nowhere type of thought bubbles.

A couple of days later both of us were all a bit 'Should we?'  and 'How would it work?'  A few more, (OK, a lot) of direct messages later, and we had decided to kick off what may just be the craziest quilt block swap you've ever heard of.

We'll save all the fine details for another post, another day, but in a nut shell we have decided to exchange 4 economy blocks a year for the next 10 years. 30 years seemed just a bit to bonkers - even for us

Each block will feature a fabric which has been released in Australia in the year of its making as a way of documenting our tastes and what we are sewing with as they years go by.  The purpose of this blog is to document our fabrics and why we chose them as we stitch our way to 2027.  We will no doubt learn a lot more about each other as we go building friendship one block at a time.


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